
the client

Ignitions is a pioneering platform offering blockchain integration services tailored for the gaming industry. Their innovative solutions enable game studios to incorporate Web3 functionalities effortlessly, bypassing the need for specialized blockchain teams and ensuring a seamless experience for both developers and players

Epic Kick
Web3 infrastructure as a service

What we did

EpicDesign provided Ignitions with the EPIC KICK Product, a comprehensive package designed to take the brand from its foundational elements to a fully operational state with ongoing support.

The project

Our collaboration aimed to enable Ignitions to become the go-to service for game developers looking to integrate blockchain technologies into their games without requiring specialized knowledge​2​. The EPIC KICK Product included

NAME SELECTION & DOMAIN ADVISORY: Advised on a resonant brand name and domain that aligns with the blockchain gaming industry.

IT SETUP: Established a robust IT infrastructure, including professional email and SSL certificate implementation for enhanced security.

BRAND / DESIGN GUIDE: Crafted a cohesive brand and design guide to establish a strong and consistent market presence.

PITCH DECK CONTENT & DESIGN: Developed an engaging pitch deck to effectively communicate Ignitions' unique value proposition to potential clients and investors.

LANDING PAGE & CLICK PROTOTYPE: Designed an intuitive landing page and click prototype to capture user feedback and refine user experience.

UI/UX REFINEMENT FOR LAUNCH: Enhanced the user interface and user experience design in preparation for the official launch.

VALIDATION OF TECHNICAL BLUEPRINT AND ESTIMATES: Ensured the technical plans were sound and the development estimates were accurate.

DEVELOPMENT OF MVP: Guided the development of a Minimum Viable Product that stayed true to Ignitions' vision.

LAUNCH OF MVP: Successfully launched the MVP, ensuring that it met the high standards required for operation in the competitive blockchain gaming market.

ONGOING DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT DURING LAUNCH PHASE: Provided continued support to address any issues swiftly during the critical launch phase.

BUG FIXING: Implemented efficient processes for identifying and resolving bugs to maintain optimal platform performance.

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the challenge

The challenge was to deliver a solution that allowed game developers to easily integrate blockchain features into their games without requiring in-depth knowledge of blockchain technology. This solution needed to be cost-effective, scalable, and modular to cater to the diverse needs of the gaming industry.

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the approach

EpicDesign employed a meticulous, user-centric approach to ensure that Ignitions could offer on-demand blockchain features, easy development cycles, and seamless player onboarding. We made sure that every phase, from IT setup to MVP development, was executed in close collaboration with Ignitions' team​. Our focus was on providing a platform that was not just technically robust but also intuitive for both developers and gamers.

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Itay Dekel
Ignitions CEO

“EpicDesign's contribution was instrumental in transitioning our business concept into a functioning product. The suite of services provided by their EPIC KICK Product was remarkable. From strategic branding to the comprehensive IT setup, each stage was executed with precision and expertise. Their skill was particularly evident in the development of our MVP. EpicDesign has been an invaluable partner throughout this process. Their continued support post-launch has been vital in ensuring our platform is equipped to transform the gaming industry with blockchain technology. I fully recommend EpicDesign to any forward-thinking company seeking a significant online presence.”